
Sally Hart
For decades Sally’s designs have enabled people to live in harmony with their homes making the most out of every centimetre in simply beautiful comfort.
Sally’s Story
It’s not until you’ve kicked your toe many times on the bed that you realise the bed could have been better designed and you learn to walk clear of it.
It’s not until you’ve wrestled with the monotony of housework that you aspire for a more efficient way of designing the home.
After all, it’s not until you have the right equipment that you can perform a task with ease. Our homes are just one big piece of equipment that amongst other things must keep us comfortable and happy.
Observing the functional aspects of people living in their homes and how behaviour varies from household to household is key to what Sally Hart does when designing home interiors. Sally’s experience anticipates the person kicking their toe!
An aesthetically beautiful home is skin deep if it can’t be maintained and liveable for those inside. Most households have similar pressures around weekly routines but how these play out in each household is vastly different. The interior of three identical homes inhabited by three different families will look and function completely differently.
Adapting the utility areas of homes such as wardrobes, laundries, and home offices to suit each member of each family is a skill Sally has honed over decades. The key is to wrap space management and ergonomics into beautiful interior design.
A background in nursing gave Sally insight into the value of having a space ready for action. Setting up a trolley to optimise flow for a surgeon, is no different to anticipating how a parent will navigate their way through the door with two small children and bags of shopping as they trip over pile of shoes and catch their bag on the door handle.
After nursing, Sally took an interim step as a designer for a built-in wardrobe company. Unexpectedly, this weird little niche became her forte. The human focussed design approach that combines being completely fixated with using every centimetre based on a person’s particular collection with a love for the aesthetic was a strange cocktail that others would come to appreciate. From there Clever Closet Company was born where for decades Sally’s designs have enabled people to live in harmony with their homes making the most out of every centimetre in simply beautiful comfort.
Sally has progressed well beyond just the wardrobe, and into her true passion for spatial planning where she loves meeting a brief that aims to just squeeze a little bit more functionality out of the current home’s footprint to achieve a beautiful home that works for them.
Tailored Design
Dedicated and tailored design, for you.
Observing the functional aspects of people living in their homes and how behaviour varies from household to household is key to what Sally Hart does when designing home interiors.

Contact Sally