Struck By Lighting
7 Bright Ideas for Cabinet LightingLighting is one of the simplest ways to create a good feel throughout your home. By incorporating it into joinery you can highlight treasures, make precise tasks possible and dial up the visual drama at the touch of a switch....
Wood, Melamine or Laminate. What’s the Difference?
Photo credit: Guy Wilkinson Photography Laminex, Melamine, Laminate, Polyurethane,… Please Explain! Like all languages, the language of cabinetmakers has clumsily evolved over time. People are comparing orange coloured laminex with apple coloured polyurethane and...
Struck By Lighting
7 Bright Ideas for Cabinet LightingLighting is one of the simplest ways to create a good feel throughout your home. By...
Wood, Melamine or Laminate. What’s the Difference?
Photo credit: Guy Wilkinson Photography Laminex, Melamine, Laminate, Polyurethane,… Please Explain! Like all...
Finding the Balance Between Storage and Style
7 Tips for architecturally sympathetic storageInstalling a tall cabinet in a small room can feel like someone has...
It all Hinges on This. Part 2
Which Type of Door is Right for My Situation?Following on from part 1 which illustrates how knowing the types of...
It all Hinges on This. Part 1
Which Type of Door is Right for My Situation? Seems like a pretty simple question really, isn’t a door just a...
Everything in Good Measure
Measuring Up for Organised Storage When the aim of the game is to make the most of your space, somewhere along the...
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